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IPD-Integrated Project Delivery


What is IPD?

IPD-Integrated Project Delivery is a Building Industry Process where various stakeholders participate in Design after the Initial Design is completed or from Project outset.

The Participants bring to the table their industry specific criteria shaping design procedure and allow designers to incorporate the input items, discuss them, reject them or keep them in mind.    Such process gives Project Owner ability to make decisions as to the direction, size and scope of the Proposed Development.   It is a process of “no stone untouched”.

Obviously it adds to the time of Schematic Design but the benefit outperforms conventional approaches.   We deliver our Projects through IPD even in the smallest scale.

Having input from various disciplines allows us to design efficient structures and avoid rework later down the line, specifically when the Project is well into Construction Documents or worse into Construction.

The flow is is follows:

  1. Client and Architect develop Project Program
  2. Architect develops initial Schematic(s) for the Project.
  3. Stake Holders are invited to a meeting to generate items list reflecting points of each participant’s area of expertise.
  4. Schematic Design refinement
  5. Budgeting by a Contractor
  6. Subsequent Meetings with the IPD team
  7. Development Plan Preparation incorporating Stakeholder input.
  8. Construction Drawing Generation.
  9. Plan reviews and approvals at the Authority having Jurisdiction.

IPD allows for faster Deliverables, with comprehensive and deep rooted information that is available prior to Construction Documentation and Construction phases.

Result of IPD is a superior Product for the Client.